COCKAIGNE #6 Preview


Saturday morning, when Anca said “Fica, wake up, you`re gonna be late for castings!”, I had the feeling that someone from another planet was trying to contact me and it was not coming in peace! With my head still spinning, trying to determine who am I, where am I and what the hell am I supposed to do now that I`m out of bed, I looked myself in the mirror and burst into laughter: the dark circles around my eyes reminded me of the wild party, the dancing and the countless shots we had a night before, at Cockaigne preview party held during Feeric Fashion Days in Sibiu. Needless to say that my world crushed when I found out that the crew from the festival told the models to be there at 9 a.m, but actually planned to start at 10, so I fell asleep again, near the backstage and the huge metal cubes used to display the pictures I`m about to show you from Cockaigne`s preview.


(Photos by Anca Cheregi; wearing a gorgeous vest by Arabela Sim)

I met the Cockaigne team just before they launched the 1st issue, a few years ago, so I`m happy to say I`ve been around since day 1. Things evolved pretty nice with every issue launched online and this fall you`ll be able to find Cockaigne #6 on print, available in selected shops. You can also preorder it at a special price if you drop a message here and you should really take into consideration this possibility because there are 4 different options (printed magazine, online magazine, poster included versions and print magazine +  signed polaroids by Catrinel -> limited edition!)

Long story short – This issue will carry you to an abyssal & hugely imaginative retro-future land: here, the characters at play are trying to embrace or to cast out forces that are beneath their powers, future elements and objects that they love or hate. It is about searching and accepting their destiny and common nature. You`ll find me in different roles and although you won`t recognize me in the pictures, I hope you`ll recognize my voice in articles. You can see the other issues right here or pay them a visit on the official Cockaigne page to see what they`ve been up to and the latest news. Have I mentioned that the most beautiful woman I ever met – Catrinel Menghia – is our new Creative Director? Yes, she fits perfectly with my there is more than meets the eye! displaying many skills. Stay close, there are some great suprises in the near future and I can`t wait to tell you more when the time is right! Until then – let me know what you think and check back soon 😀








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